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Documentation update: Accessibility
Update the documentation for enabling accessibility features via code. The snippet on the [facetwp_assets](https://facetwp.com/help-center/developers/hooks/advanced-hooks/facetwp_assets/#usage) page causes errors, because it doesn't add required data to `FWP_JSON`. Replace with documentation for the `facetwp_load_a11y` hook.
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Support Elementor Pro loop carousel widget
Please additionally support Elementor Pro's loop carousel (swiper based) widget for filtering via FacetWP.
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Add single toggle facet type
I would like to request a single toggle facet type for boolean values similar to the toggles in the FacetWP admin settings area. Another example: https://alpinejs.dev/component/toggle
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Support WooCommerce grouped products
Add support for Woo grouped products (#17516, #28495)
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Checkboxes: delay before start filtering
Check this video: https://take.ms/aHE9ZE It's a checkboxes' facet. If I want to select the 5 first checks... I need to wait. If I click all them (like in the video), facetwp you miss some of them. This is because just by clicking a checkbox, facetwp starts to filter. But, in checkboxes, it's usual the user wants to check some of them in bulk. Isn't it possible to add a kind of "delay" for the checkbox facet (let's say 1 second)? So, while you're clicking options, facetwp waits for that delay (1 second, for example) before starting to filter. So, the user can check multiple values before it starts to filter. That would be a great upgrade in UX. I know I can put a filter button, but this is different (and way much better, and only needed for checkboxes). Regards.
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Object Cache Compatability
Would really like to see compatibility (not just by exclusions) with object caching (such as Redis). filtering is one of the more important things for us, and also one of the slowest, which could benefit from this.
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Compatibility with Greenshift
It woikd be awesome if facetwp coukd work together with greenshift (query builder): https://greenshiftwp.com/ Is there any chance to make it compatible?
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Update legacy in map facet
**Use Dynamic Library Import** - Replace the legacy script loading tag https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries **Implement "Advanced Markers"** - Improved marker performance and accessibility - Control collisionBehavior https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/advanced-markers
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Presets for query builder
I think having presets for query builder in a dropdown that cover a lot of the basics would make learning and using FacetWP much easier. Alternatively, a repository of example queries would help that isn't mixed up in gists and in the Facet UI on templates page you can link to it.
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Multiple search terms
Ability to add more than one search term in searches using a comma. For example: cars, trucks. Something like 'tagify' where the inputs become tags (https://yaireo.github.io/tagify/)
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Add ascending/descending sort order
I would like to be able to switch between ascending and descending sort order in facets. The current "sort by" options are hardcoded. For instance, I would like to use fSelect & sort by descending term order (instead of the current default which is ascending).
💬 4
FacetWP automatic outlining items in layout / templates / builder
Atm, when you add multiple items below each other in the Layout Builder, and then make multiple columns, the items are stapled in each column separately. This is fine for some situations. However, for other situations, we might want to have each item in the column at the same height as the corresponding items in the other columns. It would be nice if FacetWP allowed for outlining the items in the layout, so that each item is on the same height, across all columns. Useful options would be to be able to outline each item to "top", "centered" or "bottom".
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Composer Installation
Ability to install via Composer w/ key and version number, so it works with Bedrock without having to hack it.
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Code Editor For Advanced
A basic code editor vs just a textbox would be welcome for editing longer queries. And perhaps a preview would be cool too for the current template as you make changes or if it breaks.
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Layout Builder - Copy Visual to Advanced
It would be real neat to build the visual layout and then, when you click to "Switch to advanced mode" the PHP and markup is written for the layout you just built.
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Add URL var to Load More pager
It would be great to add an option to display page numbers for the Load more pager. This way, archive pages location can be preserved when navigating to a post and back again.
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Accordion behaviour for hierarchical checkbox facet
It would be nice if hierarchical checkbox facets would behave like an accordion instead of a toggle for each item separately. Now, if you click on a parent item, the children open. Then if you click on another parent item also those children open too. The list can get very long and it requires the user to make multiple clicks to contract all child lists again. It would be nice if a click to expand, contracts all the others. Maybe this behaviour could be optional.
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Conditional Logic improvements
I have the following suggestions for improvement of the Facetwp conditional logic add-on. On a certain term archive page, I have set up some conditional action based on a chosen selection for a Type facet (based on post types). For example: if Facet Type is 'Accommodation' -> show several additional facets, to drill down in Accommodations. And else do the opposite. This works of course, but it has the effect that on my Accommodations archive page, the same 'drill down' facets are not shown, because the whole Type facet is not active/present there, and the 'Else do the opposite' is the cause of this. So what I would suggest is: - the condition that says IF Facet X is Y then A, should work like: IF Facet X EXISTS AND is Y then A. Or at least make it optional to add a condition that is actually exists. - The conditional 'Page URI' could help also in this case, but is unusable now, I have to enter a hard url. What I cannot say now, but would be very helpful: if page uri = taxonomy X, or = post_type_archive X. Or even more flexible, make a custom field where I can write WP conditional statements myself, selecting the exact archive pages this conditional ruleset or rule should apply to. Basically, this Conditional Logic add-on is not usable in my case because I have different types or term- and post type archives with different facets. And the 'else do the opposite' now prevents facets from showing up, purely because the 'conditional facet' is present on some pages and not on others. In one case I could solve it by making a 'counteract' ruleset with the page uri field set to NOT. But this does not work with taxonomy term archive pages for example. One unpractical workaround I did not try would maybe be to use the Custom selector option and write some jquery that selects a sibling, thus not selecting it if the sibling is not there. But this is getting unnecessarily complicated, as I have many facets and this situation is there for a lot of conditions I would like to build.
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Exclusion Filter
Allow the option to exclude items, for example if I have a recipe site and I want people with a food allergy (say nuts) to be able to show only items that don't include nuts, we have the option of adding an exclude facet.
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Openstreetmap / leaflet Support
An extension for the map facet that grants you the option to choose between OSM or google maps would be nice.
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Taxonomy facet - only show children of the archive term
If you're on a term archive page and you have a facet using that same taxonomy, the choices shown should **only** be children of the current term
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